
Episode 413: Navigating New Responsibilities, A Cafecito with Marias Gamesa

This May, we’re so excited to team up with Marias Gamesa in this amazing effort to help moms engage in real conversations about motherhood and cultivate a community.

We want to give a special shout out to Marias Gamesa, we grew up eating Marias Gamesa and now our kids love them too! What a dream come true. This year, they have launched the Cafecito con Marias Gamesa campaign. You know we love our cafecito, and we love to chat - that’s exactly what the Super Mamás podcast is all about. It’s even better when it’s a space for conversations with other Latina moms - brought together to speak on these important topics. This week’s Cafecito con Marias Gamesa session will feature our very special guests Karen Ayala and Michelle Disla, two Super Mamás who will unpack the realities of modern-day motherhood and what self care means to them today.

Karen Ayala, lifestyle mom influencer, offering an authentic glimpse into the joys and challenges of stay-at-home motherhood, from homeschooling adventures and toddler mishaps to delicious recipes. With her candid approach, she provides valuable insights into the realities of homeschooling and the everyday chaos of parenting.

Michelle Disla, creates easy-to-follow Caribbean and Latin American comfort recipes with a warm, personal touch. With over a million followers across various social media platforms, her lively energy and relatable style have helped her connect with a wide audience. Her recipes are all about simplicity and bringing a taste of comfort and home into your kitchen. Off camera, she is a new mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, and known to many as "social media's favorite cousin."

our conversation with karen and Michelle

What does self-care mean to you, and how did it look before versus after kids?

Self Care Looks different when you become a mom

Small things are big wins for new mothers, be kind to yourself

What is Quiet time? Karen teaches us some of her quiet time tips

A recent survey by Marias Gamesa found that Latina moms recognize the importance of pursuing personal interests to balance motherhood, even though 45% occasionally feel guilty about it.

How do you take time for yourself, and do you have any tips for the Super Mamás on how to prioritize yourself?

What is an Everything shower?

Utilize nap time to your advantage

A fun fact learned on the recent Marias Gamesa is that, when possible, 80% of Latina moms use the following shortcuts for finding “me” time: asking their children to join in on their personal interests or utilizing their children's nap times

What are some things you said you’d never do, but you now swear by? Did you stick to one parenting style, was it the same as your parents?

Co Sleeping vs Crib Sleeping

Parenting Styles change as kids get older

Another shocking statistic found in Marias Gamesa Survey stated that a notable 83% of Latina moms reported feeling judged for their parenting decisions, with meal choices being the common source of scrutiny.


For more information visit Marias Gamesa

Listen and Share this and all other episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcast and All other Podcast Platforms.

Episode 408 : All the ways water Heals with Rocio Navarro

On this episode we dive the quest for better options for water savings and how to help preserve this amazing ​essential element for our lives. Also how water is healing and part of our everyday life, Rocio Navarro will be joining us to remind us how this element is the perfect conductor for healing.

About Rocio

Rocio is a healing artist who works with water intimately and creatively, becoming an extension of her to touch your body and soul so that you remember who you are, and so you can heal yourself. Rocio is also a Vaginal Steam Hydrotherapist, Ceremonialist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy and Sound Healer with a Sociology degree/background.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, the daughter of migrant parents from Michoacan, Mexico, her practice stems from indigenous based healing, epigenetics, and Women’s Wholeness Medicine fusing water healing techniques to support personal transformation, grief work, sexual trauma, ancestor connection, and womb healing. She has been practicing healing arts for 20 years curating sacred ritualistic healing experiences with water, and specifically natural bodies of water in nature, to enhance the healing potential of the land. 

Our Conversation with rocio

o How to relax our nervus system

o Generational healing through water

o The Healing journeys.

o Finding the cause and not just treating the symptom


Learn more about Rocio Navarro’s work with water

Listen and Share this and all other episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcast and All other Podcast Platforms.

Episode 405: From Teacher to Business Owner with Corissa Hernandez

About corissa

Corissa Hernandez is a financial planner and a business owner, the co-founder and visionary of Legacy Full Circle Financial & Insurance Services, The Empire Tavern, House of Xelas, and Nativo HLP. She is dedicated to sharing the lessons she has learned with other spirited entrepreneurs to inspire, educate, and uplift everyone with big ambitions.

After becoming a teacher sheI discovered her own knack for helping people tap into their talents and go after their dreams. While teaching, she saw the 2008 market crash devastate hard-working, deserving people — including her own family, this is when she became determined to educate herself on preventing financial disasters, and got licensed as a financial advisor. Soon, shewas working as a teacher by day, and financial literacy educator by night. In that work, she saw an incredible need for adult financial education, and founded Legacy Full Circle in 2008 alongside her Husband, Gabriel. Since then, they have been the most diverse, fastest growing agency in the nation. Aside from this they have build different successful businesses that celebrate the community around them

Our Conversation with corissa

▪ The intentionality of your business​

▪ Creating the right routine for your business and yourself

▪ Respecting your personal time

▪ Advocating for yourself when visiting the Doctor


Find out more about all the goodness Corissa Hernandez is doing for our community

Learn more about Legacy Full Circle Financial

Listen and Share this and all other episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcast and All other Podcast Platforms.



In our last episode of the year we share about our experience attending “Date with Destiny” a 6-day retreat in Boca Raton with Tony Robbins. The retreat included powerful meditations, examination of values, the self, and tools to transform your heart and mind.

WE share how the experience at this retreat has made it easier for us to navigate stressful situations. We walked in the rain, learned a lot about themselves, our weaknesses, our strengths and values. It also forced us to examine our areas of growth.

Paulina confronted her depressive tendencies, Bricia confronted her issues with energy.

We share loads of useful tips for happier, more fulfilled lives. Listen to hear about:

  • The daily practices we learned and how we have been implementing them in their lives.

  • The power of mindset when dealing with emotions related to stress, and exhaustion.

  • What is Peak State?

  • Why we should look at the positive things in situations rather than the negatives.

  • The power of meditating with intention

  • A quick exercise to get in touch with your heart and emotions, and show gratitude.

  • Tony’s approach to the differences between men and women. The polarities between the masculine and feminine and how they impact our relationships.

  • On the "It’s the Little Things Segment," we share the 4 words that make a huge difference. Paulina shares how she is creating daily practices with her daughters based on what she learned at the at Date with Destiny. 

Bricia also shares about a recent 5AM incident with her son that included a fun “poopy” surprise!  

We also talk about their excitement over being together as a family in Oaxaca in their parents new home.

We also share their gratitude and final thoughts for the year.

Happy Holidays to all of our listeners. Thank you for all of your love and support this year. 

We will resume episodes in 2017! 

Episode Sponsors: Gaffer and Child, a line of timeless personal care products made in small batches from organic, plant-based ingredients.

“It’s the Little Things” Segment sponsored by Munchkin

Show Notes:

Create a Blueprint of Yourself

Tony Robbins Meditation Music

Tony Robbins Priming Exercise

Tim Ferris Podcast Meditation with Tony Robbins

Super Mamas Facebook LIVE

Lolas Cocina

Tony Robbins: What Makes Relationships Work

Learn More About Tony Robbins:

I’m Not Your Guru

Unleash the Power Within

Tips and Picks of the Week:

Lysol Disinfectant Spray

Packing Tips: Ziploc Gallon Bags to save packing space and store outfits in labeled ziploc bags.