Episode 408 : All the ways water Heals with Rocio Navarro

On this episode we dive the quest for better options for water savings and how to help preserve this amazing ​essential element for our lives. Also how water is healing and part of our everyday life, Rocio Navarro will be joining us to remind us how this element is the perfect conductor for healing.

About Rocio

Rocio is a healing artist who works with water intimately and creatively, becoming an extension of her to touch your body and soul so that you remember who you are, and so you can heal yourself. Rocio is also a Vaginal Steam Hydrotherapist, Ceremonialist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy and Sound Healer with a Sociology degree/background.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, the daughter of migrant parents from Michoacan, Mexico, her practice stems from indigenous based healing, epigenetics, and Women’s Wholeness Medicine fusing water healing techniques to support personal transformation, grief work, sexual trauma, ancestor connection, and womb healing. She has been practicing healing arts for 20 years curating sacred ritualistic healing experiences with water, and specifically natural bodies of water in nature, to enhance the healing potential of the land. 

Our Conversation with rocio

o How to relax our nervus system

o Generational healing through water

o The Healing journeys.

o Finding the cause and not just treating the symptom


Learn more about Rocio Navarro’s work with water

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