super mamas social

Episode 205: Event Planning 101 with Evelyn Jimenez of @HarlowPlanning


Time for a new episode! This week we talk to Evelyn Jimenez of Harlow Planning. Now a major part of team Super Mamas (she turns our SM Social dreams into reality ✨), she was one of our first guests on the show and now she’s back with updates. Evelyn talks about how she made the jump from corporate life to running her event company full time and how you need to be confident & relentless when it comes to following your dreams. Plus she shares tips on how to throw your own event!

Before the interview, we talk about how summer is winding down but we still have lots of plans. Paulina is working out everyday and Bricia has a trip to Baja this weekend. Also, the book is coming out in just a few months and you can pre-order it on Target, Amazon and Barnes & Noble now! Screenshot your pre-orders and tag us on Instagram - you know we love and appreciate your support! 😝

Pick or Tip of the Week

Paulina’s tip is to pack ahead of time for a trip. When she was getting ready to leave to Oaxaca, she realized she normally leaves packing to the last minute, but for this trip she started packing a few days early and packed her essentials like deodorant + makeup right before she left. It helped her feel a lot less stressed, especially since she was traveling with the baby.

Bricia’s tip is loving Babe Waves Hair Waving Iron from She has the straightest hair, but this wand gives her mermaid hair. It’s not beach waves, but mermaid hair. It takes a while but it has a really good tutorial and she is obsessed! Also, please pre-order the book. 🙏🏽


Follow Evelyn on Instagram at @harlowplanning.

Episode 196: Live from the Super Mamás Social w/ WORDAFUL's Liz Hernandez on the word, REFLECTION


Today’s episode is the final installment of our 3-part series of our Super Mamás Social with WORDAFUL’S Liz Hernandez! We break down the word REFLECTION and what our respective reflection journeys have been. From loving to what we see in the mirror, to choosing cooperation over comparison and learning that best work we can ever do is the work on ourselves - Gems. Are. DROPPED. We also open the floor to the audience members to share their own experiences with how they reflect in their daily lives.

Mic Drop Moments w/ Liz Hernandez

“[Reflection means that] the world that i see is my mirror. Everything that I believe, everything that I do & don’t do is reflected back to me.”

“every decision [I make] is a reflection back to me”

“how I feel about myself will then indicate what I attract”

“the best work you can ever do, is the work you do on yourself”

“you can compare or cooperate”

“The key [to consistency] is to pick ONE thing and stick with it”

“Confidence is coming in faith”


Episode 195: Live from the Super Mamá Social w/ the iconic Emmy Award Winner, Myrka Dellanos on Faith & Community

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This week we have the 2nd part of our series from the Super Mamás Social panels. Today, we are sharing our conversation with the iconic Myrka Dellanos; a two time Emmy award-winning journalist who has gained credibility and the love of millions in the United States and Latin America.  We talk about her spiritual journey and the importance of keeping our faith through hardships (as these only make us stronger) and doing things with excellence and breaking all stereotypes.  

Also, HUGE thank you to @McDonalds for their beautiful activation of floral bouquets with @MadreFlorals at our Social! It was SO beautiful. & for their delicious coffee from #McCafe in our mom lounge.

Our conversation with Myrka Dellanos

How did you come into your faith, and how does faith shape who Myrka is today?

What are some of those hardships you’ve had in your life that you are most proud of today?

Today, we are here on this stage because of women like you who have opened so many doors for women who talk and look like us.  Who have been those women to you? And who would you like to be for the next generation of women.

Audience Q&A

What would be your advice for starting your brand in 2019?

How do you think social media has changed the approach of traditional media outlets?

How do you create community in a professional field where you don’t see people like yourself in them?

What is your advice on mom guilt & going back into the work force?

How do you find that extra energy that pushes your forward?


Episode 194: Live from the Super Mamás Social w/ Two-Time Grammy Award Winner, Melanie Fiona

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We are back with our 3-part series of our Super Mamás Social panels! This week we are sharing our conversation with Two-time Grammy Award winner, Melanie Fiona. Her distinctive, powerful voice and tone has captivated the hearts and minds of countless souls. As a new mother, Melanie is passionate about creating supportive spaces for women and mothers to be educated and inspired by one another. We discuss her birth story video on YouTube, how she navigates expectations & so much more.

Our Interview with Melanie Fiona

One of the topics you spoke up in such a raw and truthful way was your birth story- Looking back at that video, uploaded in 2016, at your most vulnerable, how do you compare Melanie then to Melanie now ?

A lot of us, after giving birth are eager to go” back to normal, or to who we were”  Or even that word of “bouncing back” we see it everywhere, magazines, shows, songs, popular culture, the “bounce back” the “come back” not realizing that we will never go back, but in fact we are moving forward and evolving. Being a public figure- how did you navigate those expectations from “others”? what have you learned from your experience and what would you like to share with someone that is feeling that pressure today?

I LOVED your video titled ‘why you, me and Cardi B’ deserve to celebrate our pregnancies What do you think we need to be doing to reprogram this part of brain who lies to us everyday with who need to be... and what do you think our responsibility is as women to change this perception in the world?   

I love this idea of having the soundtrack of our lives and us being the author of our song. I know technology can be seen as many things good, bad you name it but if anything, what it has done its given us the power and ability to find our voices and fully express how we really feel and what we really think. How has your show helped you in that aspect, and what would you say to anyone who feels in the fence about starting their own creative projects?


Episode 193: Keeping up with the Super Mamas: Building A Stronger Faith Through Pregnancy Loss

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After a 2-week break, we are officially back to talk about our past couple of weeks of highs and lows. After an absolute success of the Social, our family received devastating news a couple days later. Our fellow Super Mamá suffered a miscarriage. This past week has been one of the toughest for our family and we had to take a moment away. For the women who are currently going through something similar, this episode is for you. You are not alone. Even through the darkest times, God is with you.

As hard as this episode was to record, it may be hard to listen. We do go into detail of the physical affects of a miscarriage and you may not want your little ones in the room. 


Oasis Church- YouTube Channel