Episode 196: Live from the Super Mamás Social w/ WORDAFUL's Liz Hernandez on the word, REFLECTION


Today’s episode is the final installment of our 3-part series of our Super Mamás Social with WORDAFUL’S Liz Hernandez! We break down the word REFLECTION and what our respective reflection journeys have been. From loving to what we see in the mirror, to choosing cooperation over comparison and learning that best work we can ever do is the work on ourselves - Gems. Are. DROPPED. We also open the floor to the audience members to share their own experiences with how they reflect in their daily lives.

Mic Drop Moments w/ Liz Hernandez

“[Reflection means that] the world that i see is my mirror. Everything that I believe, everything that I do & don’t do is reflected back to me.”

“every decision [I make] is a reflection back to me”

“how I feel about myself will then indicate what I attract”

“the best work you can ever do, is the work you do on yourself”

“you can compare or cooperate”

“The key [to consistency] is to pick ONE thing and stick with it”

“Confidence is coming in faith”