
Epsiode 197: Keeping Up with the Super Mamás: Summer is Here!


SUMMER IS HERE and we’re back with a brand new episode! This week we’re talking about our summer plans (and lack of). While Bricia & family are planning a trip to Hawaii (shout out to Delta!) and a full immersion musical experience for Eddie, Paulina is scrambling but planning her own time off without the kids. We also check in and talk about how both our super mamas “lost their flow” after the social but are determined to be kind to themselves & get back on track. Remember that you can get knocked down many times but all you have to do is get up again!

Pick or Tip of the Week

Sometimes you have to do a little grooming, ahem, “downstairs” to prep for a summer of shorts, skirts and bathing suits. Bricia is loving sugaring as an alternative to waxing. It’s a mixture of sugar, lemon juice and water and tends to be gentler than waxing. If you’re nervous about the pain, Paulina recommends this razor, similar to one she uses.

Paulina is sharing some advice this week: “Be kind to yourself. And if you feel like you failed yourself, it’s okay.” Remember, the official theme song for Super Mamás goes, “I get knocked down, but I get up again…”


Maqueos Music:

Episode 194: Live from the Super Mamás Social w/ Two-Time Grammy Award Winner, Melanie Fiona

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We are back with our 3-part series of our Super Mamás Social panels! This week we are sharing our conversation with Two-time Grammy Award winner, Melanie Fiona. Her distinctive, powerful voice and tone has captivated the hearts and minds of countless souls. As a new mother, Melanie is passionate about creating supportive spaces for women and mothers to be educated and inspired by one another. We discuss her birth story video on YouTube, how she navigates expectations & so much more.

Our Interview with Melanie Fiona

One of the topics you spoke up in such a raw and truthful way was your birth story- Looking back at that video, uploaded in 2016, at your most vulnerable, how do you compare Melanie then to Melanie now ?

A lot of us, after giving birth are eager to go” back to normal, or to who we were”  Or even that word of “bouncing back” we see it everywhere, magazines, shows, songs, popular culture, the “bounce back” the “come back” not realizing that we will never go back, but in fact we are moving forward and evolving. Being a public figure- how did you navigate those expectations from “others”? what have you learned from your experience and what would you like to share with someone that is feeling that pressure today?

I LOVED your video titled ‘why you, me and Cardi B’ deserve to celebrate our pregnancies What do you think we need to be doing to reprogram this part of brain who lies to us everyday with who need to be... and what do you think our responsibility is as women to change this perception in the world?   

I love this idea of having the soundtrack of our lives and us being the author of our song. I know technology can be seen as many things good, bad you name it but if anything, what it has done its given us the power and ability to find our voices and fully express how we really feel and what we really think. How has your show helped you in that aspect, and what would you say to anyone who feels in the fence about starting their own creative projects?


Episode 192: Rockabye Baby's Executive Producer, Lisa Roth


This week we interview Lisa Roth, executive producer of the highly successful franchise, Rockabye Baby. Since its debut in 2006, Lisa has helped launch close to 80 studio albums packed with Lullaby versions of songs by artists from The Beatles and Jay-Z to Rihanna and Adele. She’s on the show today to share what inspired this idea, how she got it started, all the ups and downs of her journey and Rockabye Baby’s newest and exciting release of Rockabye Baby Lullaby Renditions of Juanes! A thirteen-song collection spanning nearly two decades of hits, Lullaby Renditions of Juanes takes ‘una hora de dormir normal’ to the next level, and is Rockabye Baby's first-ever release in the Latin music world.

For a sneak peak before it’s official release on May 3rd, Listen to La Camisa Negra HERE

Our Conversation with Lisa Roth

Tell us a little bit about yourself

How did you get into creating lullabies for kids?

What have been some of the ups and downs throughout your 14 year journey of Rockabye baby

Do you have any tips for mom’s who wish to follow through with their great ideas? What was the atmosphere like that allowed you to speak your mind?

What are the nuts and bolts of creating a lullaby out of a popular song?

What is your favorite part of the process?

How do you and your team choose what music to release? Did you have mom/parent-focus groups for the music and if so are there any parenting-related insights you can share with us?

What has been your most favorite project so far?

What and when will you be releasing this week?

Where can we hear it?

Follow Rockabye Baby! on Instagram as @RockabyeBabyMusic Facebook, Twitter as @RockabyeBaby and visit their website for more information, You can find them on all streaming services, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Youtube and Amazon.

Pick or Tip of the Week

Lisa shared tons of great picks this week, from her favorite hair mousse from EVO to Transcendental meditation. Also, if you’re getting into the meditation space, she recommends using the Calm App.

Bricia chimed in on the guided mediation train and recommended Audible’s Guided Meditations , “Sleep Better” by Aaptiv and “Morning Meditations for Daily Magic by Movewith.

Paulina has been going through a lot of hair challenges. She recently discovered the power of Castor Oil and purchased it to promote her eyelash and brow growth. She also bought empty mascara tubes for easy application and to share (because the bottle is HUGE)!