
Episode 195: Live from the Super Mamá Social w/ the iconic Emmy Award Winner, Myrka Dellanos on Faith & Community

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This week we have the 2nd part of our series from the Super Mamás Social panels. Today, we are sharing our conversation with the iconic Myrka Dellanos; a two time Emmy award-winning journalist who has gained credibility and the love of millions in the United States and Latin America.  We talk about her spiritual journey and the importance of keeping our faith through hardships (as these only make us stronger) and doing things with excellence and breaking all stereotypes.  

Also, HUGE thank you to @McDonalds for their beautiful activation of floral bouquets with @MadreFlorals at our Social! It was SO beautiful. & for their delicious coffee from #McCafe in our mom lounge.

Our conversation with Myrka Dellanos

How did you come into your faith, and how does faith shape who Myrka is today?

What are some of those hardships you’ve had in your life that you are most proud of today?

Today, we are here on this stage because of women like you who have opened so many doors for women who talk and look like us.  Who have been those women to you? And who would you like to be for the next generation of women.

Audience Q&A

What would be your advice for starting your brand in 2019?

How do you think social media has changed the approach of traditional media outlets?

How do you create community in a professional field where you don’t see people like yourself in them?

What is your advice on mom guilt & going back into the work force?

How do you find that extra energy that pushes your forward?