
Episode 248: Throwback to The Power of Words with Liz Hernandez from @Wordaful

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Bricia is still on maternity leave with Augustina (one week left!), so Paulina is reflecting after a tough week and found this episode perfect motivation for how she was feeling.

This week we throw it back to one of our favorite episodes! We revisit The Power of Words with Liz Hernandez, an episode from 2018. Liz's passion for connecting people inspired her to create WORDAFUL, which is derived from the phrase "words are powerful" through weekly videos and live experiences, Liz showcases feelings of inspiration and motivation which are so needed right now. We talk career, her purpose in creating WORDAFUL, the importance of the words we choose to identify with, her morning ritual and the value of practicing gratitude and affirmations on a daily basis. She drops absolute GEMS along the way, so be sure to have your notes on hand!

Click here to read the original show notes, including all the gems that Liz dropped. 💎

Before the episode, Paulina talks about some set backs she experienced this week and how she had no choice but to push through the literal pain and figure things out. Even though this is a throwback episode, Liz’s powerful words and message about setting yourself up for success every day and speaking positively about yourself still ring true fo Paulina today, and they will for you too.

This is an episode worth listening more than twice!

Episode 246: Throwback - What Does Motherhood Look Like to You & What Has Changed for Us


Bricia is still on a short maternity leave, so we’re bringing you a different kind of episode this week.

Before the episode, per our followers’ request, we have a special cohost introduce the episode with Paulina - our sister, Elizabeth! She’s so grown up and has been just as we have during quarantine. She shares some life updates with us and we also talk and laugh about how much has changed over the past two years since we recorded this episode. We love having Liz visit us on the show! Should we have her on for more episodes while we wait for Bricia to come back??

More about the throwback episode itself - remember our Super Mamas Hotline? We’re sharing a throwback episode from 2018 where we answer one of our listener’s questions from the Hotline from one of our listeners, Natalia, about how motherhood isn’t one size fits all, and that’s okay! Motherhood is a different, wild & crazy journey for all of us but we have each other and that’s what counts.

Take a look at the original show notes from a few years ago. Do you think we have changed since then? What are you loving and what do you wish we would bring back?

Call the Super Mamas Hotline at (424) 326-3707. Let us know how you’re doing in quarantine, what you’re up to with the kids, what questions you have for us. We want to hear from you!