family trip

Episode 281: Keeping It Real with the Super Mamas: Living in a Post-Pandemic World with Pandemic Struggles


We’ve on a bit of a hiatus this month and in today’s episode, we explain why. Our family’s restaurant, Guelaguetza, has been extremely busy (in a good way!) as covid restrictions begin to lift. We’re getting back to our roots and putting in work at the restaurant as servers, bussers, bar backs - wherever we need an extra hand. We’re hustling to get things done in the restaurant everyday, but we also realized we need to practice what we preach and take some time for self care when we need it most. So we took some time off for ourselves to celebrate our little sister, Elizabeth, and enjoy her bachelorette party! This is still a crazy pandemic time we’re living in, but we’re taking every opportunity to be thankful and use the wellness tools we have picked up along the way to help ourselves get through the tough times. We’re excited to move forward in 2021, more normalcy and more business!

P.S. BE NICE TO PEOPLE! Especially service industry workers. When you listen to the episode, you’ll know why. 😉

Pick or Tip of the Week

Paulina’s tip - On the days you feel like you want to quit, don’t. Slow down, start small and don’t stop.

Bricia’s pick this week is an electric lighter (you might have caught her Instagram story earlier this week). All you do is charge it with a USB! It’s one of the best new inventions of the 21st century. 😂

Episode 270: Keeping It Real with the Super Mamás - Post-Pandemic Dreams and Acknowledging Personal Growth


Who else has missed our catch up sessions? We sure did, and this week is a little profound talk between sisters. Not only are we imagining what life is going to be like post-pandemic with family vacations (and maybe trips without them 🤣), going back to school, eating in restaurants and birthday parties, but we’re also getting deep into our feelings. We’re exploring buried emotions and acknowledging that growth from our childhood is just as important now that we’re parents and trying to understand our kids. It’s never too late to grow, sisters! 

P.S. Have you entered our giveaway for the new #TomAndJerryMovie ?! We’re giving TWO movie kits to a lucky random follower and a tagged friend! Check out our Instagram post for all the details on how to enter and watch the official movie trailer below.

Paulina’s Kid Schedules

The pandemic is finally on it’s way to out (we hope 🤞🏽) and Paulina barely started getting the hang of it! She realized that her girls needed to be on a better schedule before and after school, so she used Over to customize the schedules below. When the girls start to bother each other or tell Paulina they’re bored, she just points them to the schedule and asks what they’re supposed to be doing. Whether it’s meal time, school or free time, there’s always something to do.

Pick or Tip of the Week

Bricia and Eduardo tie dyed some shirts this weekend! The tie dye kit was gifted to her by Paulina. It’s a brand called Rit and it came in camel brown color and Bricia ended up buying more colors. She and Eddie went to Joanns for shirts, squeeze bottles and extra dye. Now her $5 shirt now looks like it cost $45 dollars!

Paulina is really into her eyebrows right now. She loves the Microfilling Brow Pen from Benefit. The tip is like three points and it almost feels like micro blading, and gives a much more full look. Elizabeth also recommended a brow gel from Anastasia. Paulina uses the gel first then the pen to fill in. 


Bricia has started working with her life coach Victor Pierantoni again. Check out the episode we recorded with him about staying sane and zen in the pandemic earlier last year!

Episode 256: Keeping It Real with the Super Mamas: Libras, Birthday Surprises, and No More Babies


There so many Libras in our family! In this episode, we catch you up on all of our birthday celebrations. Bricia’s perfect day of birthday surprises included everything from getting her hair done to incredible one of a kind meals. For Paulina, it meant their third annual family birthday trip to Big Bear where they celebrate not only her birthday, but Krista and Sabina’s too!

It’s crazy how fast time has gone this year and how quickly all of the kids are growing up. We’re not sure if we’re ready to accept that our babies Zixta and Eddie, aren’t babies anymore. 😢 We also give you an update on what our Halloween plans are for this year. We’re planning on creating family costumers and need to get on it now! 2020 might not be the best year, but at least all of the Libra birthdays were perfect!

Tips for Constipation

This might be a little TMI, but we’ve also talked about a lot worse on the podcast. 🤣 While Paulina and her family were in Big Bear, they all experienced trouble going to the bathroom - every single one of them was constipated! She later learned it was High Altitude Sickness, but she reached out to you, our lovely listeners, to share tips to make the bathroom trips a little easier. Here’s everything you suggested.

  • Drink more water!

  • A capful of apple cider vinegar

  • Add raw oatmeal to your smoothies

  • Boil tamarindo and drink it like tea

  • Coconut water to help increase electrolytes

  • Drink water with mined garlic in the morning after fasting

  • Stretch! Lay on your back, bend your right knee toward your chest and right hip. Continue with left knee.

  • Jugo desinflamante - 1 cup of water, a handful of parsley, 1 teaspoon of minced ginger, 1 cucumber (peeled). Blend together. One serving size.

Pick or Tip of the Week

Paulina’s pick this week came in handy during their recent trip to Big Bear. Her family suffers from a lot of skin issues (eczema, psoriasis, and more) and the high altitude/thin air left them with really dry skin. Palmers Cocoa Butter Lotion formula has helped them so much, both on and off the mountain, because it’s formulated to help all of their skin needs.

TIP: Use twice the amount of lotion during the winter for extra hydration. It’s great for the belly when you’re pregnant!

Bricia was working on a project this week where she was required to have her nails done and since she’s not going to go out for a manicure any time soon, she remembered she had these press on nails - Kiss press on nails. She filed them down a little to be less square and to give them more of a natural look and they got the job done! She’ll give us an update next week to see how they’ve lasted haha.


Bricia’s birthday massage therapist is Sean Bartholomew - he’s incredible! Listen to us talk more about him and his work in this episode.

Bricia, Paulina, and their family all get their hair done by the incredible Sal - he’ll be on the show for his own episode in the new year!