Episode 297: Keeping It Real with the Super Mamas: Damn Loca, Where You Been?

Surprise! We’re back after a much needed break.

No, we weren’t fighting 🤣🤣In all honesty, we needed to let the podcast take a backseat while we focused on the restuarnt, our families and especially our mental health. We felt we needed to recharge because 2021 was more difficult than 2020 in a sense - we were dealing with the aftermath of the beginning of the decade. Our family’s restaurant and other businesses needed more of our attention, and we couldn’t dedicate as much time as we wanted to the podcast. So we both did some reflecting and thought about what we really wanted out this community we’ve created.

And you know what? That hiatus worked. We’re refreshed and know exactly where we’re taking our little podcast project. So sit back and catch up with us as we explain where we’re at in our lives and where we’re taking you next. Super Mamas, let’s do this!

GEMS 💎 from this episode

I had a choice. Do I sit back and wait for life happen to me? Or say okay I have to do something because I don’t want to live my life like this anymore. - Paulina

I needed to learn, I needed to grow and now I’m here. - Paulina

The more you grow and the more you put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable, thats where growth happens. - Bricia

As you grow you have to deal with the demons that are inside of you. - Bricia

When we get stuck doing something we don’t like, more often than not its just based off other peoples expectations. - Bricia

It’s important that the decisions that you make aren’t based on others expectations, but are based on your inner reflections and what you choose to do for yourself and what’s best for you in that moment. Not let other peoples opinions drive you because that could be the end of your mental health. - Bricia

Pick or Tip of the Week

Paulina’s pick is the show Never Have I Ever on Netflix. It’s the cutest show and it’s a good introduction to what teenage years could be like for any parents who are about to be there, like Pau. 

Speaking about shows of high school kids, we’re still very into Euphoria - but these are two different high school experiences and definitely not a show for kids.

Bricia’s pick this week is also a show. The Sex Life of College Girls created by Mindy Kaling. Another show that isn’t for kids (I think we’re starting to see a theme here LOL) but more great prep for parents whose kids are going to college soon.


The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

Check out our previous interview with Victor Pierantoni, Paulina & Bricia’s life coach

Bricia also talks about Viome, a microbiome gut health test. You send in a few samples to learn what food you should avoid, what to minimize and what are your super foods and things to enjoy. You also get suggested supplements best on your results. Bricia was shocked at her results but is going to try it out for the next six months to see if she can feel any changes. This is not sponsored, just something she wanted to try. Please talk to your doctor for personalized medical advice.