
Episode 220: Setting Realistic Goals for the New Year & Getting Rid of Impostor Syndrome with Michelle Gomez, Career & Life Coach


It’s our last show of 2019 and we’re ending with a bang! This week, we speak to Michelle Gomez, Career & Life Coach. She speaks to us about what imposter syndrome is and how to turn it into a positive by identifying your unique cocktail of needs (read more on that below). Michelle also talks about the best methods for setting your goals in the new year and why it’s important to celebrate yourself when achieving these goals. There are so many gems in this episode, you’ll want to take notes. Get ready to set your intentions and make sh*t happen!

Before the interview, Paulina and Bricia are talking about how excited they are to spend time with their families and not having a packed schedule of events. All they want to do is be housewives for the holidays - shopping, cleaning, cooking, baking, spending time with the kids - doing it all!

What is imposter syndrome? How do you surrender to this feeling, understand it, and use this instead of it using you?

Imposter syndrome is a behavioral phenomenon where high achieving people seem to internalize their success. They explain their accomplishments away rather than own them. There is a consistent fear of being caught as a fake or phony. It could happen to anyone, but typically it happens more to women.

Michelle believes there is power in identifying. In her book, “Own Your Brilliance: Overcome Impostor Syndrome for Career Success,” she helps people identify their UCON, or unique cocktail of needs. By understanding these five competencies, people can then identify their triggers and can start to work through their internal dialogue by journaling, meditating, etc.

  1. The Perfectionist: Tends to focus on something that’s done. High expectation of herself and sets the bar high. When she doesn’t achieve, she experiences harsh inner criticism and shame.

  2. The Natural Genius: Expects to have natural abilities, AKA an easy flow of intelligence that would result in being able to approach any task or goal with ease. if it’s not easy, she believes it’s not for her - impostor.

  3. The Expert: Believes true competency is in possessing as much knowledge and skill as possible, or be able to retain and execute all forms of self-mastery and seeking out all forms of credential. Tend to hold yourself back.

  4. The Rugged Individualist: a person who can approach the task all on her own, with no help. If she approaches it and sees she needs help, she pulls back because she’s an impostor.

  5. The Superwoman: believes she should fulfill all her duties masterfully (wife, mother, sister, friend, employee, leader, etc.) and she should handle with ease.

Which of these competencies do you identify with? How will you be changing these behaviors into a positive? Listen to Michelle drop gems during her interview and comment below!

Pick or Tip of the Week

This is not an #ad, but Paulina’s new favorite thing is Disney+ ! She loves it. They not only have all the animated shows that their sister, Liz, used to watch as a kid, but also a lot of shows that Bricia & Paulina grew up watching too. Her favorite shows to watch are the animated shorts, and she’s also been meaning to check out Boy Meets World with the girls. It’s the perfect way to spend their Christmas break.

Bricia has a pick AND a tip this week. Her pick is Apple TV+. It has two shows she is obsessed with - The Morning Show, which is a drama with comedic moments, and Dickinson, a comedy starring Hailee Steinfield, which Bricia’s says is her favorite show she’s seen this year.

Bricia’s tip for the rest of 2019 is for all the super mamas to reflect on the year. Don’t be afraid to own and shout out your successes, as little or as big as they are. Rejoice in your achievements without worrying about what people are going to think of you. Own your shit and live your best inner self. You should be proud of everything you’ve achieved this year, no regrets.


Follow Michelle on Instagram @mgsuccesscoach and learn more about her coaching at michellemgomez.com.

Michelle’s favorite book: “The Four Agreements

The last book Michelle read: “The Beautiful No

The Oprah Tour - we want to go !

Episode 176: Overcoming Anxiety & Feeling Truly Free this 2019


Happy 2019!

Paulina and Bricia are back and ready to take on the new year. Did you notice how minimal we posted during the holidays? Well, we’re here to give you a full breakdown of what happened in those two weeks. We share both Bricia and Paulina’s dream Christmas vacations, their new perspective on overcoming anxiety/fear and their 2019 resolutions.

Topics we hit:

  • Transitioning back into work life after the holiday season

  • Their choice of being more MIA than usual from social media in the past two weeks

  • What we decided to do regarding gifts & ideas we received from you guys!

  • Paulina’s New Year’s getaway to San Diego & Tijuana

  • Bricia’s ultimate Christmas Getaway to Mammoth: how she planned it, where she got all her snow gear (SHOUT OUT REI), her snowboarding lessons & the challenges/feelings she encountered while learning

New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Paulina: learn how to ride a bike, be more active regardless of the activity (hiking & dancing are on top of her list) & to find peace/calmness to prevent anxiety and fear that has prevented her to accomplish her goals in the past. Also, she’s going to begin writing HER story. Who else is excited for this?

  • Bricia: learn how to fall in love with the process and journey rather than the end result. Amen.

Homework Assignment via Bricia

  1. Watch the movie 8th Grade

  2. Create your vision board- Need help? Check out our blog post.

  3. Write a letter for yourself behind your vision board. Check out an example, here.

  4. Record yourself telling your 2019 self what you would want to hear from yourself at the end of the year. Watch it again at the end of 2019.

Pick or Tip of the Week

Bricia- Listen to Second Life’s interview with JLO. OMG the woman is amazing

Paulina- Grab Arian Simone’s new book “Fearless Faith + Hustle: 21 Day Devotional Journey.” A 21-day devotional journey for female entrepreneurs written to increase your walk with God while applying spiritual principles to your life and business. Arian Simone is an absolute badass, you definitely want to add this to your morning routine.