Photo by @lilyro_
As we discuss in Episode 150 our words matter. So much so that our beautiful guest Liz Hernandez started Wordaful, a video series showcasing the power of words and importance of how they are used. As Liz tells us, our words are powerful and can shape everything in our lives. They impact our relationships with family and friends as well as our self perception. They also give us the ability take our lives from negative to positive-- and vice versa. But what is positive affirmation? Well, put simply it’s speaking words that help cultivate our highest good by verbally affirming our desired actions in order to make them reality. It’s a process that needs to be backed up with action of course, but according to Dr. Carmen Harra,
“in the sequence of thought-speech-action, affirmations play an integral role by breaking patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions.”
But how do we use the power of words? Well it’s something that Liz says takes repetition and a willingness to retrain your brain
“I practice affirmations every single day. I really believe they’re powerful. Even if you don’t believe it when you first say it, we’re training the subconscious to think about it. And whatever you think is what you become.”
If we think what we become, imagine what all that negative self speak is doing to our families, relationships, and goals. No bueno! Lucky for us she gave us the rundown on what kind of affirmations she does everyday.
“Every morning I read from two prayer books I write in my gratitude journal two things that I’m grateful for and then I go right into my 7 affirmations and I write one for my mind, and my body, my soul, my family, my social, my business, and my money.”
So just like Liz, we can single out the things in 7 areas of our lives that we want to support and strengthen. “ ‘I am’ are the most powerful words in the universe because whatever follows that is one or the other” she said in our interview.
You can start by visualizing and saying:
Mind: My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.
Body: My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
Soul: My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being.
Family: I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.
Social: Many people look up to me and recognize my worth; I am admired.
Business: My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.
Money: I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
For more on the power of words tune to our latest episode with Liz here, EPISODE 150: THE POWER OF WORDS W/ WORDAFUL'S LIZ HERNANDEZ. You can find even more of Dr. Harra’s affirmations here you can also make up your own. Drop your favorite affirmations in the comments!