image by @mongequentin
Our hearts have been so heavy this last week. With the death of George Floyd, the protests that followed, and Breona Taylor’s birthday today, everyone is overwhelmed with what has happened. So many stories about racism and unjust events have come out over the last few days over Twitter and Instagram; from celebrities and your neighbors from down the street; those who have attended this week’s peaceful protests and even stories from year’s past. Enough is enough. Now more than ever, need to stand with our black brothers and sisters and support them in the fight for justice.
To be great allies, we must keep ourselves educated. It is one of the best things we can do to help and show the black community we are listening and are willing to learn. Below we have a list of resources - books, movies, shows - that you can watch on your own, with your kids, and share with your loved ones to spread the message that all people are created equal. Have more links to share? Post them in the comment section and we’ll add them to our list.
Together we can change the world.