Getting My Family and Children Vaccinated: A Facebook Live Conversation with En Confianza

In December 2020, after almost a year of quarantining, my family and I were diagnosed with Covid-19. As an essential restaurant worker, I took all the necessary & recommended precautions. I wore my mask everyday, washed my hands and wore gloves handling food, especially around restaurant employees and customers. When heading home to my family, I used hand sanitizer in the car and wiped down everything around that I touched. I started a regular exercise routine and tried to keep a healthy diet to boost my immune system. Still, I contracted COVID-19 and I still have no idea how my family and I got it. 

This is why it was important for me to get vaccinated when the opportunity became available to me as a restaurant worker. I knew it was the safest option to stay healthy for my community, my family and especially myself. We also understand that it’s completely normal to still feel unsure about getting the vaccine. This is why we decided to parter with the HHS COVID-19 Public Education Campaign - Juntos Sí Podemos!

This Month with En Confianza

On Tuesday, August 17th, join me, Paulina, while I moderate a panel of experts and you can ask your biggest questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. You’ll get the latest information and see how it impacts your family.

For this live event, “Getting My Family and Children Vaccinated”, we will have some amazing community leaders and experts as part of the panel:

  • Myself, Paulina Lopez Velazquez, from Super Mamas

  • Antonio Tijerino, from Hispanic Heritage

  • Felix Valbuena, Jr., from the CHASS Center

Join us LIVE on Facebook:

Head to the @_supermamas Instagram Stories now to ask your questions in confidence and get answers you can trust. Together, it’s time we stop the spread of COVID-19.